Recently, in Ethiopia, 20 mosques have been
demolished, and the incidents are ongoing. 10
Muslim youths have been killed.

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Six prominent figures closely following the recent developments in
Ethiopia and experts in the field, İsmail Mansur Özdemir, İbrahim
Tığlı, Mustafa Uzun, Dr. Abdurrahman Habeşi, Dr. Adil
Abdülkadir, and Dr. Muhammed Yakup Diredavai, conducted an
interview. In this interview, political, social, and human rights
issues in Ethiopia are discussed.

Ismail Mansur Özdemir , as the President of USSAP and a
sociologist, evaluates the current situation in Ethiopia and the
impact of ethnic conflicts in the country. Ib rahim Tigli, a journalist
and Africa expert, discusses the Ethiopian government’s attitude
towards Muslims and the reasons and effects of mosque demolitions
in Addis Ababa. Mustafa Uzun, a researcher, writer, and Africa
expert, analyzes the escalating viol ence against Muslims who
protest against mosque demolitions occurring throughout the

Dr. Abdurrahman Habeşi and Dr. Adil Abdülkadir, as Ethiopian
human rights advocates, criticize the government’s attitude towards
Muslims and other groups, and off er suggestions on what should be
done in this regard. Dr. Muhammed Yakup Diredavai, also an
Ethiopian human rights advocate, shares his thoughts on the recent
violent incidents during Friday prayers and the assassinations
carried out by snipers, and provid es solutions for this issue.
This interview will be a valuable resource to understand the
complex situation in Ethiopia and find solutions to the problems in
the country. The profound knowledge and experiences of these six
experts will help us gain a bette r understanding of the events
happening in Ethiopia.

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